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Experts in Analytical Services

Animal Feed Analysis

We are experts in animal feed, premix, correctors and other related products.

Food Analysis

Analysis of meat products.Analysis of dairy products. Analysis of alergens in food (lactose, gluten, etc.). Análisis of drinks (wine, beer, etc.)

Pharmaceutical and Neutraceutrical Industry

Analysis of drugs and antibiotics for human and animal use. Analysis of diet supplements, vitamin and protein supplements….

Environment Analysis

Analysis of waters (irrigation water, waste water, swimming pools and regenerated waters). Analysis of agricultural soils (Compositional analysis,  NPK levels, etc.. )

Our most demanded services



Labocor Analítica

Labocor Analítica is an expert in food quality control, in particular, in animal feed.

Our laboratory offers research, technical consultancy and training, and physical-chemical, microbiological, pathological and genetic analyses focused on several fields: veterinary, food industry, pharmaceutical/nutraceutrical and environmental.

In Labocor Analítca we have more than 25 years of experience in the sector and we have a highly qualified team in chemistry, biology, pharmacy, veterinary medicine and food and quality

management, among other specialties. Our laboratory operates under the Spanish National Accreditation Body (ENAC) for a wide range of parameters.

Since 2020, we are part of Tentamus international group of laboratories  .which establishes sinergies with other group laboratories especialised in several areas in order to offer a great range of solutions to our clients.

Latest news

Vanilla – Real, expensive

…but not always real. Bremen, Planegg – Genuine vanilla has the reputation of being an exquisit spice which is reflected in its price. Depictions of vanilla beans on a vanillin containing product are often used to highlight exclusiveness. But beware! Not all vanillin used is actually extracted from genuine vanilla, i.e. Vanilla planifolia or Vanilla ... Continued

10 Tips for Improving Food Safety

Since the safety of food is always an important issue, here are 10 tips to improve the food safety in your supply chain: 1. Know the origin of the ingredients The ingredients provide the basis of your product. Therefore it is essential to know how and where these ingredients were created. It is often taken ... Continued

Off-flavors in Food

It is an unpleasant experience, and unfortunately it happens to almost everybody sooner or later: A certain food or drink does not taste like it should or did the previous day.  For most people the difference is hard to describe or pin-point specifically, instead the realization that the food that was previously enjoyed is “off”. ... Continued

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